How to Calculate Weighted GPA

Weighted GPA is a grade point average measure that takes into account the difficulty of courses.  It is commonly used by students applying for college admissions or for college scholarships.  Some admissions committees look favorably on weighted GPA, because it encourages students to not only get good grades, but to challenge themselves with difficult coursework.  Other colleges will not calculate weighted GPA, but rather prefer to use a traditional GPA calculation to level the playing field since not all high schools use weighted grade point average.

To calculate your weighted GPA, add up your points for each class using your school's weighted GPA scale, which is a higher grading scale for Advanced Placement and honors courses.  Use the traditional scale for all other courses.  Multiply your grade points for each class by the number of credits for that class.  Then add up the products to get a total number of points.  Divide this sum by the number of credits to find your weighted GPA.