College Academic Requirements

GPA Standards

Colleges all have different GPA standards.  Most colleges publish the average GPA of their incoming classes.  Some colleges even have a minimum GPA requirement--they will not admit a student whose GPA is below the threshold.

GPA standards are combined with standardized test scores (ACT and SAT) and other criteria to determine a student's candidacy for admissions.  Check out your school's GPA and test score numbers to get an idea of how competitive you are for college admission.

College GPA Requirements

Every college has GPA requirements for its students once they are admitted.  The threshold varies from school to school.  When a student falls below the threshold, he or she can be placed on academic probation or face other sanctions until GPA improves.

How to Find GPA for College

Calculating college GPA is simple.  It is the same calculation that is used for high school GPA.  Use our online GPA calculator to figure out your college GPA.